June Reflections


Every triumph or tribulation, every success or failure, every hope or fear, is an opportunity to draw upon the unfathomable resources of the universe with which we are each richly endowed. Humility in the face of fame, generosity in the face of riches, tolerance in the face of criticism, endurance in the face of adversity, love in the face of hate – – –  All are within us patiently waiting to be educed.  


Man has turned his industrial age, mechanistic, command-and-control concepts of societal organization into a gigantic, mental cage with an internal wheel on which we run like captive squirrels, not realizing our own frantic efforts only make the wheel run faster, going nowhere.  We must escape the cage, and develop new concepts of societal organizations within which we can harmoniously co-evolve with one another, with our environment, and with all other living things.