Wisdom is complex, knowledge is simple.  Wisdom is rare, knowledge is abundant.  Wisdom is difficult, knowledge is easy.  It is better to understand more than we know, than to know more than we understand, for understanding, not  knowledge, is the path to wisdom.


We grow to detest any societal organization in which we have no secure, equitable place, and meaningful life.  We ignore them when we can, resist them when we must, circumvent them when able.  Such organizations are not civilized. To some degree they are tyrannical  and barbaric.


Making proper, effective decisions when you have all the facts is not management, it is book keeping.   Making such decisions when you have some of the facts and clear instruction from superiors is management.  Leading is making such decisions when you have nothing but vision.


By what perversion of common sense did we come to believe that universal liberty, prosperity and equity could be achieved by societal organizations the purpose of which is the insatiable accumulation of wealth and power?


Humanity does not move by logic and reason.  Emotion and intuition are the great engines driving mankind.  If you would understand behavior you must get beyond what people think and understand how they feel.  If you would move them you must reach their heart, not their head.


It is not enough to have ability to do something.  You must have passion to do it, conviction you can do it, opportunity to do it, persistence in the attempt, and willingness to make the sacrifices entailed. The opinion of others does not matter.


The person who fights for a dying cause is admired, supported and honored.  The person who fights for a new cause struggling to be  born is misunderstood, reviled and attacked.  Nothing is more difficult than taking the lead in a new order of things


Among the more egregious sins of our educational systems is persuading children the best way to learn is from text books rather than experience, in cloisters rather than in nature, and from instruction rather than converse with the wise.


All the intelligence, all the teaching, and all the learning since time began has not settled the question of whether society shall be governed by the power of the brute or the wisdom of the sage.


Advice is abundant, help is scarce.  People who ask for advice often need help but rarely get it.  People who ask for help rarely need advice but usually get it. It is a kindness to the world to be liberal with help and cautious with advice.


First the dream, then the commitment, then the work, then the failures, then the growth, then the persistence.  Only then, the achievement.
